Youth Development and Leadership

Program aims to empower young people in Uganda with the skills, knowledge, and opportunities necessary to become effective leaders and change agents in their communities and nation.

Strategic Vision and Objectives

The Youth Development and Leadership (YoDeL) program aims to empower young people in Uganda with the skills, knowledge, and opportunities necessary to become effective leaders and change agents in their communities and nation. The program's core objective is to nurture a generation of proactive youth who are well-equipped to address societal challenges and contribute to national development while contributing to a more developed, democratic and prosperous Africa. By fostering leadership qualities and promoting civic engagement, YoDeL seeks to create a vibrant youth community that is capable of driving positive social change wherever they are.

Key Initiatives and Activities

Youth Parliaments

These serve as platforms for young people to engage in democratic processes, voice their concerns, and influence policy decisions

Youth Clubs and Networks

These provide platforms for young people to share ideas, collaborate on initiatives, and support each other's growth in and out of schools

Digital literacy and Innovation

This enables youth to leverage technology in their leadership journeys.


Impact and Outcome

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Jobs Created

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COC members trained

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Businesses supported

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Leaders mentored

Our Projects

Safe and Inclusive Cities (SAIC)
Safe and Inclusive Cities (SAIC) program is a four-year project funded by Danish Government, implemented in two cities of Kampala and Lira-Uganda in Partnership with Plan International Uganda (PIU). and ACTogether, Global Forum for Development (GLOFORD) Uganda and Kiyita Family Alliance for Development (KIFAD).

JAS Programme

With support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency - SIDA, CEHURD in Partnership with GLOFORD has been implementing a programme titled: The Joint Advocacy for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Uganda (JAS Programme) which aims at building a progressive Sexual Reproductive Health Rights advocacy movement in Uganda.

Let's Stand Together

Join Us in Empowering Young People and Communities

Your generous donation will help us provide young people with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to make a difference in their communities. Together, we can create a brighter future for Uganda