Owo Bonny

Economics and Business Development Officer

  • Group:Implementing Staff

Owo Bonny

Economics and Business Development Officer

Hi, I’m Owo Bonny! Economic & Business Development Assistant at GLOFORD UGANDA a born of September 1986.

  • I’m a Diploma Holder in Microfinance and Entrepreneurship Development, an accountant by profession rounded with business economic basis, with a passion for offering financial services that suits low-income individuals, households and communities in order to promote economic development and alleviate poverty. Adopting a bye-pass mode of service delivery to families and individuals lacking access to formal financial services and lack collateral or salaries to qualify for traditional loans and other financial services. With three years of experience in my field of  economic and business development assistant, I’ve had the privilege of achieving;
  • Managing nine active adult VSLA farmer groups with summed members of 270 both male and female, with enormous individual micro-businesses, practicing best agronomy practices and soil health management in three Districts of Lango, these include; Lira, Alebtong and Kole under GLOFORD Institute of Innovation Micro-Credit Support Scheme, with support from TCP Global and CRS-F2F program respectively.
  • Twenty eight VSLA youth groups with average summed membership of 1000 both male, female including PWDs and refugees living in five wards of Lira City under GLOFORD Safe and Inclusive Cities (SAIC project) with support from Plan International however, all these, match with minor and minimal challenges like, constant fight for mindset changes and hiking demand for micro-loan support visa-vie the available funds with focus to graduate into SACCOs for communal basis and balanced status of cash-flow

Beyond my professional endeavors, I’m deeply committed and devoted as a public servant with focus to Cause favorable economic status of low-income families and communities contributing to national development for all regardless of gender and status. I believe in making a positive impact wherever I go.

What sets me apart is my Godly life, skills rounded with basic law & execution of law, peace, security and public order management including human rights, and instructor’s skill gained from Kabalye and Kibuli Police Training School within six years’ service in Uganda Police (2009-2014), refugee, host community and stakeholders’ related dialoguing issue, basic monitoring & evaluation with unique humility service to vulnerable people enabling me to bring a fresh perspective to every project I undertake. I’m driven by a belief in team spirit, reporting, transparency with Integrity, innovation, and collaboration are at the heart of everything I do.

Looking ahead, my goal is to become an entrepreneur rooted in the field of agribusiness and economic development actualizing big push and never walk alone. I’m excited about the opportunity to diligently serve community as aligned to the organization/company goals and become part of the positive game changers.   Blessings.

Let’s connect! Feel free to reach out to me on Email: bonnyowo2@gmail.com, whatsap: 0787024321 and Tel: 0773640434. Official Mail: porp2@gloford.org  to discuss how we can collaborate and create something remarkable together