Acen Winny

Economics and Business Development Assistant

  • Group:Implementing Staff

Acen Winny

Economics and Business Development Assistant



I am an Economics and Business Development Officer at GLOFORD Uganda. I play a pivotal role in enhancing the organization’s economic initiatives by disbursing loans and enrolling new VSLA farmer groups.


I am currently working with GLOFORD-Uganda/GLOFORD Institute of Innovation Lira main Office and I have gained four years’ experience now since 2018 as an Agricultural Field Officer, I worked with ALARM under VSO DYNAMIC Project as Youth Instruction field officer in Pader District -Acholi Sub-region, having worked with Mercy Corps within- Pader, Gulu and Kit gum as Youth Field Agricultural officer and data Enumerator, However, I also Worked with GOAL- Uganda in Gulu District as a Data Enumerator and also Worked with (NECPA)- North East Chili Producers Association Lango Sub region Lira as Field Extension Officer. I Worked with Light Force International Lira main office as field extension supervisor farm manager.

Therefore, I have substantial experience in economic development and business management, focusing on financial inclusion and Women’s group and Farmer Groups enrollment to drive sustainable growth within communities.


  1. Loan disbursement
  2. Group enrollment and management
  3. Economic development strategies
  4. Business development and growth facilitation
  5. Community engagement and financial inclusion

Date of Birth

[Date of Birth 03/07/1995]


Tell: 0772715183/0778264903
