Poverty Reduction and Livelihoods (PoRL)

This program is committed to alleviating poverty and enhancing the economic well-being of vulnerable populations especially PWDs, youth and women in Uganda

Strategic Vision and Objectives

The Poverty Reduction and Livelihoods (PoRL) program is committed to alleviating poverty and enhancing the economic well-being of vulnerable populations especially PWDs, youth and women in Uganda. The program's core objectives are to promote sustainable livelihoods, increase household incomes, and build economic resilience among marginalized groups. PoRL aims to create pathways out of poverty through targeted interventions that enhance skills, create employment opportunities, and support entrepreneurship.

Expected Outcomes and Impact:

By the end of the strategic period, PoRL aims to achieve a notable reduction in poverty levels in target communities. Expected outcomes include increased household incomes, improved employment rates, and enhanced economic resilience among beneficiaries. The program also anticipates a rise in successful small businesses and a more diversified economic base in rural and urban areas and establishment of GLOFORD’s alternative income generating investments through GLOFORD Institute of Innovation. These outcomes will contribute to the broader goal of sustainable economic development and improved quality of life for the most vulnerable populations.

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Financial Inclussion

From Soup to Business (FSB)

Coming soon........

Let's Stand Together

Join Us in Empowering Young People and Communities

Your generous donation will help us provide young people with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to make a difference in their communities. Together, we can create a brighter future for Uganda