Call to Action

GLOFORD Uganda intends to support Six (6) active existing youth-led blue-greening initiatives at not more than 1,500,000Shs per group.

Calling all youth-led greening groups in Lira City!

Are you passionate about creating a safe and inclusive city for all? Do you practice solid waste management, recycling plastics, urban farming/horticulture, briquette making, or climate change awareness? If so, GLOFORD Uganda's Safe and Inclusive Cities Project (SAIC) is looking for you! 

We are seeking youth and young people aged 14-30 years to join our initiative. If you are part of an existing youth-led blue-greening initiative in the wards of Bazzar, Baronger, Barogole, Kakoge, Teso, and Junior in Lira City East and West, we want to hear from you. SAIC aims to support and empower youth-led initiatives that contribute to a sustainable and environmentally friendly city. We believe that by investing in the ideas and efforts of young people like you, we can create a greener future for Lira City.


Safe and Inclusive Cities (SAIC) program is a four-year project funded by Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), implemented in two cities of Kampala and Lira-Uganda by Plan International Uganda (PIU) in partnership with Global Forum for Development (GLOFORD) Uganda in Lira City, and in Kampala by ACTogether and Kiyita Family Alliance for Development (KIFAD). The project is being implemented in 20 wards (15 from Kampala & Wakiso, 5 from Lira City). 

In Lira city, the project scope covers; Bazzar ward, Barr-Onger ward, junior quarters &Teso ward, Kakoge ward and Barogole ward. The justification of the ward selection was guided by the fact that these are the hotspot areas of the project target groups. Additionally, the project targets to benefit the vulnerable youth and young people aged 14 -30 years involved in; commercial sex work, drug abuse, street and ghetto living. Refugees are also targeted to benefit from the project. 

This program is based on the key assumption that the drivers of urban fragility in informal settlements and growing urban areas are; unsafety, unemployment, and limited participation in decision-making, while simultaneously, urban youth-led community-based organizations and youth savings networks as well as relevant civil society partners, government authorities, and private sector actors have capacity and creative resources to build on.

  •  The program is being implemented under DANIDA II framework from 2022-2025, focusing on four strategic areas below;
    I. Strengthening young people’s capacity to influence effectively governance, coordination and decision making
    II. Adolescents and young people realize their sexual and reproductive health and rights, and are safe from SGBV
    III. Young people are empowered through skills development and decent income opportunities

Capacities of civil society have strengthened its leadership, legitimacy, diversity, space, influence, and collaboration. On this note under strategic area three, GLOFORD Uganda intends to support three active existing youth-led blue-greening initiatives at not more than 1,500,000Shs per group.

Here's how the process works:


The SAIC team will conduct a thorough shortlisting exercise to identify the most promising youth groups. We will carefully review your applications and select those that align with our goals and objectives.


If your group is shortlisted, you will be invited to pitch your project to our team. This is your chance to showcase your ideas, plans, and passion for creating a safe and inclusive city. Be prepared to impress us with your creativity and commitment!

Due Diligence:

After the pitching session, the SAIC team will conduct due diligence on all pitched youth groups. We want to ensure that the information provided during the pitch is accurate and truthful. This step is crucial in determining which groups will receive our support.

Booster Grant

Based on the results of the due diligence process, we will select three youth groups to receive our booster grant. This grant will provide the necessary funding to kickstart your projects and turn your ideas into reality.

End of Receiving Applications