In-kind booster grants given to 52 young people

In the second quarter of this year, GLOFORD Uganda demonstrated its unwavering commitment to youth empowerment by supporting 52 young individuals with in-kind booster grants under the SAIC (Sustainable Action for Integrated Community) project. The grants were inclusively distributed to young people engaged in various trades, including food processing, tailoring, and hairdressing.

The primary objective of these grants is to enhance the productivity of these youths and empower them financially. By providing essential items tailored to their specific trades, GLOFORD Uganda aims to equip these young entrepreneurs with the tools and resources needed to expand their businesses and improve their livelihoods.

In the food processing sector, recipients received equipment and supplies that will enable them to scale up their production capabilities, thereby increasing their output and market reach. Tailors were provided with high-quality fabrics, and other necessary materials to enhance their craftsmanship and meet the growing demand for custom-made clothing. Hairdressers received professional-grade tools and products to improve their service offerings and attract a broader clientele.

This initiative aligns with GLOFORD Uganda’s broader mission to foster economic empowerment and sustainable development within communities. By investing in the skills and potential of young people, GLOFORD is not only boosting their individual economic prospects but also contributing to the overall socio-economic growth of the region.

The distribution of these booster grants is a testament to GLOFORD Uganda’s holistic approach to development, which emphasizes inclusivity, capacity building, and long-term impact. Through continued support and engagement with these young entrepreneurs, GLOFORD aims to create a ripple effect that will inspire and uplift the entire community.

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