In Kole District, a dedicated team worked tirelessly on the construction of a new borehole aimed at providing safe, clean water to the local community. The project, part of the SWaSSH4A initiative, is designed to address the critical need for reliable water sources and improve sanitation.
The borehole construction progressed smoothly, with local workers and volunteers collaborating to ensure the project stayed on schedule. The team’s efforts were met with enthusiasm from the community, who eagerly anticipated the relief the new water source would bring.
During a recent visit from donors, the project’s impact was showcased. The team not only demonstrated the borehole’s operation but also emphasized the importance of hygiene. To highlight their commitment to comprehensive sanitation, they had installed hand-washing facilities near the borehole.
The donors were impressed by the team’s thorough approach. They observed firsthand how the new facilities, equipped with soap and clean water, would significantly improve hygiene practices and reduce the risk of waterborne diseases. The visit underscored the project’s success and the team’s dedication to ensuring that safe water and sanitation were integrated into the community’s daily life.