Excitement among youth groups as GLOFORD Uganda hands over VSLA Kits

Global Forum for Development (GLOFORD) Uganda has delivered a complete set of modern Village Saving and Loan Association (VSLA) kits to six youth groups in Lira City to help groups integrate VSLA components in their activities.

The complete set of VSLA kits were delivered on Wednesday to the selected trained six groups located in the different wards in Lira City under the Safe and Inclusive Cities Project which was graced by Lira City council leaders led by the City Commercial Officer.

Speaking during the official hand over of the VSLA kits to the groups, Lira City Commercial Officer Emmanuel Eruma applauded GLOFORD Uganda for the initiative of fostering saving culture amongst the young people.

Emmaneul Eruma who represented Principal Lira City Commercial Officer during the official hand over stressing a point.

He committed to give all the necessary support to the groups including but not limited to helping them formalize their registration status with the line ministry, offer technical support amongst others.

The Deputy Town Clerk for Lira City West Division Robert Okello Ayo in his address warned the groups against the tendencies of selling off the kits they received to support their group development

The Program Manager of GLOFORD Uganda Irene Janet Acen said the move is to promote saving culture intended for business development among the young people in Lira City.

The Project officer for Safe and Inclusive Cities Christine Anyinge Ojok said GLOFORD Uganda will continue to offer more support and linkages like business incubation trainings to the group members in order to drive investment amongst the young people.

The Project officer of Plan International Uganda Stella Aber asked the group members to begin saving the little money they have as their savings grow.

The Chairperson of Awake Initiative Youth group Stella Akao commended GLOFORD Uganda for supporting their vision.

Amongst the items that the groups received included metallic saving boxes, record books, members saving pass books amongst others.

Photo: Christine Anyinge Ojok and Patrick Ebong of GLOFORD Uganda hand over the kits to New Glory group in Junior Quarters Lira City West Division. Photo by Bonny Otim Ogwal

 The youth groups that were supported include New Glory, Poa Pole, Awake Initiative, Good Choice, and Mothers Alive saving groups which are located in both Lira City East and West divisions.

The four years Safe and Inclusive Cities Project is being implemented by GLOFORD Uganda in partnership with Plan International Uganda with funding from DANIDA . It is covering the five wards of Barogole, Kakooge,Junior Quarters,Baronger and Bazzar in Lira City and is targeting youth from the age bracket of 14 to 30.

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