New Board Chair of GLOFORD Obua Ogwal outlines priorities

The new Chairperson Board of Directors for Global Forum for Development (GLOFORD) Uganda Hon Dr Benson Obua Ogwal has pledged to lift the bar of transformation and empowerment work of the  organization to the next level.

According to the new board chairperson, he will use his networks to mobilize sufficient resources to support the organization to do more works in her strategic core thematic areas of poverty reduction program, empowerment of the youth,building capacity of other CBOs amongst others.

Hon Dr Obua Ogwal was speaking during the inauguration ceremony of the new members of board of directors for GLOFORD Uganda on the 27th  September 2022 at Grand Pacific Hotel Lira City.

Photo:Hon Dr Benson Obua Ogwal being sworn in as the new board chairperson

The new five member board of directors include: Hon Dr Benson Obua Ogwal as the chairperson, Eng. Wilfred Okello, Claudia Apio, Dorcus Arao and GLOFORD CEO Morris Chris Ongom who also doubles as the executive secretary to the board.

Obua says his major work will be centered on building a robust team and committed that as the board, they will always be visible, present and supportive to the top management and staff  of the organization in the performance of her mandate.

He also implored the new members of the board to sacrifice for the development of the organization in its pursuit to  transform  the  vulnerable and poor communities.

Obua challenged leaders at various levels to ensure that what they do for the communities attract a following, “If you are leading and you do not have people following you are simply taking a walk”.

The former board chairperson of GLOFORD Eng. Wilfred Okello says over the years GLOFORD has been doing an excellent job and that he is satisfied with  the accelerated progress which has been registered so far.

The Chief Executive Officer of GLOFORD Uganda, Morris Chris Ongom who is also the executive secretary to the board pledged to continue to work indefatigably towards improving the social and economic wellbeing of the people in Northern Uganda with an unmatched footprint in raising the next generation of transformed leaders for Uganda with global perspectives and contributions.

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